One hour, tailored to where you’re at, whether you are completely new to going underwater, or if you’d like to hone your skill. I’ll share with you what I’ve learned about underwater photography over the past nine years. I’ll meet you where you’re at and help bridge the gap for where you are and where you’d like to go with your underwater images. 


You can now get on the calendar for a personal, one on one underwater mini masterclass with me, where I’ll take you through my process from beginning to end.


Topics covered will include

  • gear, including my favorite film cameras

  • choosing locations

  • using natural light

  • working with clients or models

  • tips for editing underwater images.



What others are saying…


“As a photographer/creative business owner myself, I wanted to learn from the best and invest in my education to get where I want to be faster. Jamie makes the overall process very exciting and enjoyable, and she has a wealth of knowledge about underwater photography.”

“Hands down would recommend to whoever is wanting to get into underwater photography”


Let’s dive in together!

Send me a note and I’ll get right back to you with more information and availability.